What is it?
MMT is a small tool which simplifies boring manual work some web developers need to do.
What can it do?
Just a few things:
- detect files encodings and convert between them
- convert special characters from/to entities
- create files according to given template
How did you do that?
To be honest:
- encodings engine comes from Code Project:
Detect Encoding for In- and Outgoing Text - entities conversion was prety easy
- templates engine is just customzed Copy operation :)
How to use it?

- white area - drop your files in it
- Conversion options
- From - your files code page (you may choose Automatic if you don't know)
- To - codepage you'd like to have them converted to
- Remove from list - remove element from files list
- encode meta - MMT will try to change code page <meta> tag
- encode entities - all strange characters will be replaced with entities or numeric values (uses HTML options from 2nd tab)
- Detect - will just try to guess code pages for your files
- Convert - converts from one encoding into another (automatically creates backup files)

- white area - type your text in
- HTML - standard characters replacements
- HTML entities - converts characters to entities (i.e. ® to ®)
- DEC - converts characters to decimal codes (i.e. ® to ®)
- HEX - converts characters to hex codes (i.e. ® to ®)
- JavaScript - uses JS fo haracters replacements
- escape()
- encodeURI()
- encodeURIComponent()
- Decode
- Encode

- Template file - file which will be copied (content of templates folder)
- Name template - naming pattern for new files which may use following variables:
- <alpha> - small letter (a, b, c, …, aa, ab, …)
- <Aplha> - capitalized letter (A, B, C, …, AA, AB, …)
- <number> - numbers (1, 2, …, 122, …)
- <number0> - numbers with preceding zeros, number of zeros depends of Amount (01, 02, 11 or 001, 002, 010, 100)
- <year> - current year
- <month> - current month
- <month0> - current month with preceding zero
- <day> - current day
- <day0> - current day with preceding zero
- Target path - folder where would you like to have templates copied to
- Amount - how many files do you need?
- Check - generates names preview
- Preview - white area shows names which will be used for new files
- Create - as name suggests